ISSN 2723-4142 E-ISSN 2723-4150
Terakreditasi Sinta 6 (SK Dirjen Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek Nomor; 230/E/KPT/2022)
Islamika Granada is an open access scientific journals that publishes research manuscripts in the islamic related scopes. The focus and scope of the journals: Islamic Education, Islamic Law, Islamic economics and Business, Qur'anic and Hadith Studies, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Thought and Literature, Islam and Peace, Science & Civilization in Islam, Islam in local/nation, Islam and gender. Prioritizing the results of cross-disciplinary a science research and the latest findings in the scopes of islam. Islamika Granada published 3 times a year that is January, May and September by institute of Granada El-Fath in collaboration with professional and scientific organizations.
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Terakreditasi Sinta (SK Dirjen Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek Nomor; 230/E/KPT/2022)
Jurnal Social Library is to provide scientific article of social and humanities studies that developed in attendance through the article publications, research reports, and book reviews. The focus and scope of the journals: Library Science, Education, Phylosophy, Psychology, Health, Law, Politics, Economics, Communication, Management, Business, Sociology, Antrophology, Language and art, and Other Humanities. Prioritizing the results of cross-disciplinary a science research and the latest findings in the scopes of social. Jurnal Social Library published 3 times a year that is March, July and November by institute of Granada El-Fath in collaboration with professional and scientific organizations.